CPU awards scholarships to 792 students

By Rusieljs G. Lunasco

Scholars from the Junior High School Department with OIC for the CPU Office of the Vice-President Pastor Peter James Trasporto with CPU Registrar Ms. Charissa June Deocampo.

792 students were awarded with scholarships by Central Philippine University during the Scholarship Awarding and Recognition Program on August 9, 2019 at the Alumni Promenade Concert Park. The CPU Office of Student Development and Programs headed by Dr. Margen Java spearheaded the said event.

In her opening remarks, CPU Vice President for Finance and Administration Dr. Florence Bogacia, thanked the donors for their support and generosity. She also addressed the scholars and said “This is your day but most of all, always remember that this is a day of gratitude for you.” She is also reminded them to bless and pray for their donors.

Vice President for Finance and Administration Dr. Florence Bogacia welcomes the awardees and their donors.

The donors were then presented with certificates by Dr. Bogacia and CPU Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Irving Domingo Rio. The scholars were awarded certificates by their donors and were assisted by Dr. Bogacia, Dr. Rio, CPU Treasurer Mrs. Welna Roxas and Officer-in- Charge for the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs Pastor Peter James Trasporto.

2nd year BS Chemical Engineering Student, Patrick Jules Marquez gives the response in behalf of the scholars.

Patrick Jules Marquez, a 2nd year Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering student as well as a University Entrance and Department of Science and Technology (DOST) scholar gave the response in behalf of the scholars. In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the donors for helping the scholars achieve their dreams. “You truly deserve the title of being called modern-day heroes who believe in the power of education and the youth as a hope of our nation”, Marquez said.

Aside from the scholars, a total of 111 donors from both the public and private sector as well as alumni hailing from local and international chapters were honored in the said event.

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