Rev. Sian presents paper in an international forum

Rev. Sian with his fellow participants during the Asian Campus Ministry Forum.

Rev. Cris Amorsolo V. Sian, Senior Pastor of the University Church, CPU, presented a paper in relation to the CPU campus ministry during the Asian Campus Ministry Forum (ACMF) last March 11-15, 2019 at the International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan. The forum was co-organized by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA) and International Christian University (ICU) and jointly sponsored by the Foundation for Theological Education in Southeast Asia (FTESEA).

The theme of the forum was “The Role of Campus Ministry in a Multi-religious Context” and it was attended by 33 Christian Universities from Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, and South Asia. Aside from CPU, the schools from the Philippines that sent participants were De La Salle University, Ateneo de Manila University, Silliman University, Ateneo de Davao, University of Saint La Salle in Bacolod, Pilgrim’s College in Cagayan, and Trinity Christian University in Quezon City.

Rev. Cris Amorsolo V. Sian, Senior Pastor of the University Church presents his paper in relation to the CPU campus ministry during the Asian Campus Ministry Forum.

Before the event, the participants were required to pass a write up on their perspective on and challenges and strategies in doing campus ministry in their context. When the selection process was over, Rev. Sian was chosen to be one of the three case presenters, alongside Ateneo de Davao University and Duta Wacana Christian University in Indonesia. Rev. Sian was able to highlight CPU and its campus ministry program, especially the Christ Emphasis Week convocations every semester, and the weekly convocation and Bible study of students and faculty and staff.

Indeed, campus ministry is crucial to the well-being of a university. As mentioned by UBCHEA, “the Campus ministry, also known as chaplaincy in other places, has been traditionally understood as serving the university’s core mission through care of persons in its constituency and through creating and nourishing the overall campus climate that builds up holistically each member of the community. Hence, it is not only the work of a chaplain but requires the help of a thoroughly trained team, including the faculty and staff. More than conducting official religious ceremonies, campus ministry is expected to provide the holistic care of members of the institutions to inculcate a sense of mutual respect and social responsibility for the community.” (

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